Musca domestica

Biocontrol of the Housefly

Common name: Housefly
Scientific name: Musca domestica
Order: Díptera
Affects: Urban and rural areas
Main season: All year round.

General information

Houseflies (musca domestica, muscina stabulans, fannia canicularis, sarcophagi carnaria...) are insects belonging to the dipteran order. Among the most widespread species of flies in the world, they are adapted to live in human habitats and are found in all types of environments, although they are considered a pest especially in urban and rural areas. While flies play an important role as decomposers and recyclers in nature, their proliferation is often a problem.

Musca domestica on a leaf

Morphologie and biology

Houseflies have a morphology that is especially suited to a wide variety of environments, particularly in human-inhabited spaces. This, together with their rapid life cycle and high reproductive capacity, makes the fly a difficult pest to control. The adult can be up to 8 mm long. It is recognisable by its dark grey colour and membranous wings. The eyes occupy most of the head and are reddish in colour, composed of thousands of facets that provide a wide field of vision. They have short, sensory antennae that help detect odours and vibrations. Houseflies have three pairs of slender, jointed legs covered with small sensory hairs. They have adhesive pads on their legs, called pulvilli, which allow them to walk on smooth, vertical surfaces.

One of the main differences found with houseflies and some other fly species is their mouthparts. The housefly has a sponge-like or sucking mouthparts adapted to absorb liquids. Due to the absence of mandibles, it cannot bite. It feeds by regurgitating saliva onto solid food to dissolve and then engulf it. The life cycle of the housefly consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Under optimal conditions, it can be completed in as little as 7 to 10 days.

Females lay their eggs in decaying organic materials in warm, moist environments. Eggs are white and oval in shape. Females may lay 75-150 eggs per clutch and up to 500 eggs in their lifetime. Larvae go through three larval stages and grow rapidly, reaching a length of 12 mm. Once the larva has reached its maximum size, it seeks a dry, safe place to pupate. The adult emerges from the puparium and, within a few hours, reaches sexual maturity. Adults reproduce rapidly and begin the cycle again. This rapid cycle and their high reproductive capacity make the common housefly a persistent pest in urban and rural environments, and a potential vector of disease.


ECONEX FLY-CATCHER is a trap optimised to catch houseflies and other fly species. It is designed to be placed in outdoor areas such as gardens, terraces, parks, outdoor areas with domestic animals, open breeding areas and animal housing.



Houseflies proliferate due to several factors:

They develop faster in warm, humid climates.

Flies seek out decaying organic matter such as food, faeces or rubbish to feed and lay eggs. Poor waste management, accumulated rubbish and lack of cleanliness create an ideal environment for fly breeding.

Some flies are attracted to exposed food and drink, especially those with sugars or proteins.

Period of use

As long as the target insect is present, the traps can be active all year round.

ECONEX FLY-CATCHER with captures

Operating instructions

Hang one trap per 250 m2 The fly trap should be placed outdoors, at a distance of 5 metres from the entrance of the house. In case of spaces with animals, place the fly trap at a minimum distance of 5 m from the area prone to fly breeding ( chicken coops, excrement deposits, rubbish, etc.).

ECONEX FLY-CATCHER placed in a stable

Necessary material

ECONEX FLY-CATCHER kit-type ecological trap, consisting of a disposable container with a capacity of 2 litres. Inside it contains a food attractant bait in 2 water-soluble bags of 20 grams each to be diluted in 1 litre of water. It is a trap specially designed to attract house flies, stable flies, etc.

The trap has 4 transverse holes with yellow polypropylene inserts in a truncated cone shape.

These inserts facilitate the entry of the target insect. The flies enter the trap, but cannot get out and die inside. This trap is provided with a wire hanger designed specifically for this use.Once the trap is activated, it lasts 60 days or until it is saturated.

Code: UIPFETA076

ECONEX LARGE FLY-CATCHER 8 L is an ecological trap kit, consisting of a yellow container with an 8-liter capacity and a transparent lid. The yellow container has 16 holes to place the 16 yellow inserts that come with the trap.

It comes with 4 aluminum sachets containing a food-based attractant bait. One aluminum sachet contains 2 water-soluble transparent bags of 20 grams each. The contents of the 4 aluminum sachets (a total of 8 water-soluble transparent bags) are diluted in 4 liters of water.

This trap is specially designed to attract houseflies, stable flies, etc. The flies enter the trap but cannot escape, eventually dying inside. Once the trap is activated, it lasts for 60 days or until it becomes saturated.

Code: UIPFETA074

ECONEX FLY-CATCHER BAIT 40 G 1 UNIT. constitutes a replacement bait for food attractant to use in the trap ECONEX FLY-CATCHER. It consists of an aluminum bag with 2 water-soluble bags of 20 grams each to be diluted in 1 liter of water.

The bags should not be opened and their attractive capacity is activated when the product is hydrated..

Code: UIPFETA075

Assembly sheet

Esquema de la hoja de montaje


ECONEX FLY-CATCHER, ECONEX LARGE FLY-CATCHER 8 L and ECONEX FLY-CATCHER BAIT 40 G 1 U. should be stored in their original packaging, avoiding sunlight and in a fresh and dry space. The product will be thereby effective for 3 years.

Storing the difussers


Corrugated cardboard box of 60 units (6 packs of 10 units)
Box size: 0,32 x 0,24 x 0,22 m (length x width x height)
Box weight: 3 kg.
Number of boxes per pallet: 45.
Pallet size: 0,80 x 1,20 x 1,24 m (length x width x height)
Pallet weight: 145 kg.

Includes a product information leaflet

Box of 60 units.

Box of 60 units.
(6 packs of 10 units)

Packaging traps


Corrugated cardboard box of 18 units.
Box size: 0.42 x 0,60 x 0,27 m (length x width x height)
Box weight: 2,70 kg.
Number of boxes per pallet: 28
Pallet size: 0,80 x 1,20 x 2,05 m (length x width x height)
Pallet weight: 85 kg

Box of 18 units.

Recommended information:


Leaflet in PDF format that can be downloaded by clicking on the image.



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